University Of SAIDA
Saida University is a public university with a focus on science, culture, and the arts that is situated in the center of Saida. It is situated in Algeria’s Upper Hills in the western region. It is made up of five complexes with academic and administrative buildings as well as university services. Dr. Moulay Tahar University was founded in honor of this martyr, a doctor and a man dedicated to science and learning. Our university has experienced two crucial stages:
The first phase was the creation of the Higher School of Professors of Basic Sciences by Decree No. 245/86 of 1986/10/07, which aimed to guarantee the training of professors in mathematics, physics, and chemistry for secondary education.
Executive Decree No. 98/222 of 1998/07/07 brought about a change in the university’s development when the Higher School of Professors became a University Center. Executive Decree No. 06/275 of October 16, 2006, which reorganized the University Center, included the following five institutes: Institute of Science and Technology (mathematics, physics, robotic media chemistry, industrial chemistry, electronics, communications, matter science); Institute of Natural and Life Sciences (biology, irrigation, civil engineering); Institute of Legal and Administrative Sciences (political science, information technology, and legal and administrative sciences); Institute of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences (commercial sciences, economic sciences, automated management information); Institute of Literature and Languages (Arabic, French, and English).
Phase Two started with the Executive Decree No. 09-10 of 2009/01/04 b: Saida University was established, initially consisting of three Directorate-General’s offices. This represented a significant qualitative shift for the university.
Accreditation, ongoing training, and certification; external relations, collaboration, stimulation and promotion of scientific research; development, innovation, and direction.
Four faculties were available under this decree: Faculty of Arts, Languages, and Social Sciences; Faculty of Economics, Business Sciences, and Management Sciences; Faculty of Law and Political Sciences; and Faculty of Science and Technology.
This went on until Executive Decree No. 13-200 of 2013/05/2000, which was issued to revise and amend Executive Decree No. 09-10 of 2009/01/04, which established Saida University. Following this decree, the university was restructured into a composition of Higher training in the first and second stages, continuous training and certification, as well as higher training in graduate
Tertiary training, university qualification and scientific research, as well as post-graduate training.
external relations, cooperation, revitalization, communication and scientific events
development, innovation and guidance were all enhanced under this decree.
Currently, the University consists of 06 faculties:
Faculty of literature, Languages and Arts;
Faculty of Economics, Business Sciences and Management Sciences;
Faculty of Science;
Faculty of Technology;
Faculty of Law and Political Sciences;
Faculty of Social and Human Sciences.
Dr. Moulay El Taher was born on 11/25/1925 in Saida. He joined the Tunisian border in 1957 at the eastern base of the staff of the National Liberation Army under the command of Colonel Houari Boumediene. The first hospital of the National Liberation Army in the eastern base, to finish his career in the liberation revolution with the rank of major of the National Liberation Army. He provided clear health services after independence until his death on 07/11/1999 in Saida.
Orientation place and registration
PB 138 Ennasr 20000, Saida Algeria
Phone: 048981000,1201