Call for applications to the ERASMUS + program 2022/2023

Call for applications to the ERASMUS + program 2022/2023


1-Call for application to ERASMUS + program for Universitatea de Artăși Design din Cluj-Napoca (UAD), Romania

Second year students of the Master’s degree in Cinema Studies (2022/2023)

Submission: The submission must be preceded online by filling the application form at the following link :

Required documents: Application form + Academic transcript of Bachelor’s degree and first year Master’s degree + Passport + school certificate +certificate of efficiency in English language 

Call for Master's degree in Cinema Studies

2-Call for application to ERASMUS + program for Universitatea Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Portugal

Second year students of the Master’s degree in Computer Science

Submission: The submission must be preceded online by filling the application form at the following link :

Required documents: Application form + Academic transcript of Bachelor’s degree and first year Master’s degree + Passport + school certificate +certificate of efficiency in English language 

Call for Master's degree in Computer Science

3-Call for application to ERASMUS + program for Universitatea Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Portugal

Second year students of the Master’s degree in Business Management

Submission: The submission must be preceded online by filling the application form at the following link :

Required documents: Application form + Academic transcript of Bachelor’s degree and first year Master’s degree + Passport + school certificate +certificate of efficiency in English language 

Call for Master's degree in Business Management

4-Call for application to ERASMUS + program for BrandenburgischeTechnische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany

Second year students of the Master’s degree in Stochastic analysis, statistics of
processes and applications

Submission: The submission must be preceded online by filling the application form at the following link :

Required documents: Application form + Academic transcript of Bachelor’s degree and first year Master’s degree + Passport + school certificate +certificate of efficiency in English language 

Call for Master's degree in Stochastic analysis





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